The city of Naftalan is located in the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. In 70-80 km from the northeast the overlapping horizon stretches the Main Caucasian ridge. In 30-35 km to the west the city is surrounded by the Small Caucasian ridge. In the city of Naftalan, many green parks, consisting mainly of pine trees, are being improved. As a result of obstruction by the Main Caucasian ridge from the north and the Small Caucasus Mountains from the south and southwest of the Arctic (from the north) and other cold air masses, a moderate climate dominates here.
Below is the average air temperature in Naftalan for seasons:
In winter - 3.9 ºС
In the spring - 13.3 ºС
In the summer - 26.2 ºС
In the autumn - 16.5 ºС
In the most hot weather, the air temperature in the winter is 17 - 18 ºС, and in the summer - 38 - 39 ºС. It's amazing that in the coldest years in March-November the temperature does not exceed 0 ºС.
The daily change in air temperature (at 7:00, 13:00, 21:00 hours) in the winter is 4 - 6 ºС, and in other seasons - 6 - 7 ºС.
The average monthly moisture content is
In the winter - 17%
In the spring - 62%
In the summer - 51%
In the autumn - 67%.
Low relative humidity, along with the high temperature prevailing in the summer months, prevents overheating of the skin and has a positive effect on the skin, ensuring the intensity of the process of moisture evaporation from the skin surface. The direction of the wind in the city of Naftalan, mostly monsoon. Increasing the average wind speed increases cooling in the warm season, so that the climate becomes more comfortable than the climate of other resort towns.
The number of clear days in the year is great. In winter, the number is 40 - 50, in the spring - 40 - 60, in the summer - 60-120, and in the autumn - 40 - 80 days.
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So, we can distinguish the following:
1. The climate of Naftalan is characterized by high thermal, low moisture, dry weather, high aeration and insolation.
2. The climate of Naftalan has a great impact in the treatment of a number of diseases, such as:
a) diseases of the osteoarticular system and the musculoskeletal system
b) skin diseases;
c) diseases of peripheral veins;
d) diseases of the nervous system;
e) postoperative rehabilitation;
e) ear-nose-throat diseases;
g) gynecological diseases;
h) urological diseases;
i) dental diseases
j) Proctological diseases.
3. Despite the high thermal conditions in April-September, overheating of the human body is not observed. As a result of the optimal combination of air temperature, humidity and airflow, evaporation from the skin surface and sufficient moderate cooling of our body occurs.
4. The climatic conditions of the resort contribute to the provision of medical care at any time of the year and give a high therapeutic result.